Back to The Matrix we go

I'm sitting in the airport in Santiago, just decompressing. I just paid a $50 exit fee for overstaying my tourist visa by a month. Now I need to set up my mobile passport real quick before I board the flight to Miami.

Yesterday at lunch I was complaining to the goddess about the lack of water in Santiago. There are no lakes or rivers here. So she took me way out to timbuktu where there is a small river. It is in a resort type area up in the mountain, on the other side of a pueblo about an hour outside of Santiago. There's a swimming pool full of people and an empty river, perfect for taking video.

While here in DR, I applied for a small handful of jobs. One of them was somewhat promising but the open position was pulled entirely. But I never get excited about job prospects in my field because things like this always happen. I take it as yet another sign I need to focus on my entreprenuership. I thinn I am going to jump back into real estate since that seems to be working out well.


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