The Dread

Last night I reached peak debauchery.

It is time to take a break from the craziness. I didn't drink today and slept through most of it. This weekend Tropical Storm Laura is cutting a path directly through northern DR so most activity will cease anyway. I'm sure I'll do a lot of sleeping and meditation when the lights eventually go out.

The Dread crept up on me a couple days ago. The Dread is that feeling I get when I know I have to go back to the United States. This trip has been so long (and expensive) that I am actually eager to hit the reset and kick start my earning again, but I also know I will miss the feeling of freedom I have in DR, so a part of me doesn't like the idea of being forced to leave and deal with real life issues. But I have some things I need to catch up on in the US, and some relationships I need to cultivate. Playtime will be over soon.

I'm already thinking ahead to my next trip though. Having now been to DR three times, I am even more convinced I need to get across the Atlantic, to Africa. A lot of the Americans I meet here in paradise are dazzled and preoccupied with easy, low cost sex. For me, it gets old after a while, especially the added toxicity that comes with it. I want to immerse myself in black culture, history, and commerce. I think Ghana will be a great place to explore, hopefully within the next few months.


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