
The party yesterday was cool. A few guys came through. We sat around and had drinks for a couple hours. I jumped in the pool for a bit, then retired with my hired harem for the night.
As you can imagine, I didn't get much sleep.

But this AM I drank a bunch of water and had breakfast with some of them same dudes. Now I'm sitting on the balcony with "Nancy" and her little son. This little boy is almost two years old so he's at that age where he has to touch everything and climb on everything -- a little ball of energy.

Yeah, I know he kind of looks like me, but I just met his mother yesterday so there's zero chance he's mine!

Anyway, today is all about recovery. I'm going to be extra lazy! We may go down to the playa and sit on the beach for a while, but that's about all that's going on.


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