Meditate to Levitate

Life. Health. Liberty. Wisdom. Love. Prosperity. Peace.

Some years ago, my uncle taught me about meditation and I felt like I needed a personal mantra to center myself around. So in time I came up with this one.

Life. Health. Liberty. Wisdom. Love. Prosperity. Peace.

I recite it in my mind over and over again to manifest positivity in all phases of my existence, both conscious and unconscious.

Life. Health. Liberty. Wisdom. Love. Prosperity. Peace.

Life because it is the foundation and present state of being. I came to the realization that I should be grateful at all times for my life because with every breath I am given a special gift, one that is priceless.

Health because feeling good mentally and physically is important to me. I enjoy the comfort of a working mind and body.

Liberty because like health, the ability to make a decision and act of it with minimal restraint is paramount to my happiness. I appreciate something as simple as being able to get up and take a walk down the street without fear or restriction.

Wisdom because through the application of knowledge comes the benefit of maintaining one's life, health, and liberty. Wisdom is a powerful and necessary ingredient in creating a better version of myself.

Love because love is energy. Love is motivation. Love is comfort and support and satisfaction. Love is what binds us all and it is the antidote to stress, pain, and disillusionment. Like wisdom, we can never have too much love.

Prosperity because for me abundance equates to security for myself, my family, my friends, and all those I come into contact with. We can all benefit from being productive and in turn prosper financially as well as spiritually and emotionally. It is my belief that having life, health, liberty, wisdom and love naturally leads to great prosperity.

And peace because when all of these aforementioned facets are combined, they lead to the most tranquil state of being one can ever experience. I know it because I am living it right now. And I aspire to always move in a state of inner peace and calm that radiates outward and touches everything and everyone.

Life. Health. Liberty. Wisdom. Love. Prosperity. Peace.


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