Lunch Meat

I'm sitting on Playa Sosua, about to go check out another villa today.

Yeah... it's time to upgrade.

I haven't really been getting consistent sleep. Roosters at 5 AM. Motoconchos at 6 AM. Loud ass weirdos singing outside in the middle of the night.

I need a more secluded locale. I've had enough of the city.

Tropical storm came and went. It tore some stuff up but the worst I personally experienced was a lack of electricity for 22 hours. So no biggie.

Want to hear a funny story my buddy told me? Awww man, this is kind of gross...

So he likes to get kinky with his woman. He sticks food into places it doesn't belong. So one time he finds a salami and cuts off the tip, puts a condom over it, and he and his lady see how the sausage is made. For whatever reason, the salami ends up in his refrigerator that night. How, I have no idea.

Next morning, salami is gone. He calls his woman and says "hey, what happened to that big ass salami?" To which she answers, "I took it home. My mother and father ate it for dinner."

True story.

Yep... aside from some oddball experiences with the chicas, none of which are newsworthy (at least not if you are me), that's about all I got for you.

Birthday is Monday. Stay tuned.


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