La Policia

I didn't drink today. The last couple of days in Boca Chica have me in power saver reboot mode. But the homie and I had a blast. Ah man... I'm not even going to tell you all the craziness that what went down. All I can say is I'm definitely going back to Boca Chica! Shout out to Omari!

Today I hung out with Perla, la diosa de sonrisas (the goddess of smiles). She's a nice girl, in her twenties with no kids. Some type of secretary. Lives in the ghetto -- her shower is a knee high spiget, like the outdoor kind you hook a water hose to. From what I can tell, she spends all her money on pretty clothes so she can look good in TikTok videos.

She's gorgeous. Like, even for Dominican standards.

Anyway, we flipped a coin to see if we were going out to eat or cooking something. Tails. We had KFC. The chicken costs more than it does in the US, and it's the same GMO crap. The ketchup packets are fire though. They made the fries taste good even though they were on the colder end of the spectrum.

Oh, so on the way back from the hood I got pulled over by the police up the block from my hotel. GPS sent me down an illegal left turn and they were waiting right there, twenty five minutes before the curfew started. The officer said I look Dominican and made me show my passport to prove I was American. But in general I understood what he was saying in Spanish and he understood what little I could say in my defense. Anyway, he let me go without me having to pay a bribe so I got lucky.

I just did some video editing. Gonna turn in early tonight. Probably going to Santiago tomorrow (most likely scenario). I usually stay my ass up out of Santo Domingo, and when I am here, it is for the shortest time possible! I don't think I will be in Santiago long but it's better than being here.


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