Driving to Boca Chica today

Yesterday I kicked it with my homeboy from Philly who I met out here. We ended up back at my spot in Puerto Plata with a couple crazy girls. They cooked us some amazing pollo con arroz but as the night wore on and the drinks flowed, I realized the one I was with had an inability to shut the hell up. So by the morning I was exhausted hearing her speak. Her voice was raspy from all the talking she did, and she still kept going!

The landlord (brother to the lady that runs the place day to day) was pissed off about the noise but hey, I paid cash for the apartment. And I tried to renegotiate our deal for a shorter stay but he wouldn't accept. So as far as I'm concerned they get to hear the occasional commotion.

Today I'm heading down to Boca Chica. I have never been to Boca Chica but my buddy is there so I'll go hang out with him for a couple days and take my time getting back north. It's probably good I get out of Puerto Plata and Sosua for a few days.

But aside from that, I remain in good health. I have been taking vitamin C, zinc, turmeric, and ginseng every day and I feel just fine. Ine thing I noticed about being here too is my anxiety levels are way lower. I barely ever feel any actual mental stress or frustration that reaches a level that affects my physical health, despite dealing with Dominicans and their usual shenanigans.

Lately I've been really reconsidering a "move" to this countey, though. I would like to see other places and get a better idea of how things work region by region but there are definitely downsides to DR that may wear on me with time. The Exodus I am planning must make sense all the way around. Wherever I end up, I want the place to match my personality.


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