And for today's magic trick... navigation without GPS

It is almost noon and I am laying next to my lady friend, the nurse from Santiago. She's snoring. Poor thing works night shifts. This morning she texted me that she lost her keys in a taxi and could not get into her house.

The universe is whipping some ass right now!

Meanwhile, my VIVA phone card goes haywire and I suddenly have no internet, meaning no GPS. This usually happens around Tuesdays, when I have to purchase more minutes. For whatever reason you buy the minutes, restart the phone and... still no fucking internet.

I will never use a VIVA phone card again down here. Complete trash.

Anyway, back to this lost keys thing. I somehow find my way to where she is using only the super janky current location feature on Google maps. Man, Google is on some straight up bull. They need to make it where you don't need any type of internet or wifi to use GPS because it's actually a public safety thing... all this super satellite technology and you're routing me through a phone company to find an address?

Rant completed. The locksmiths (all three of them) are trying to figure out how to reattach the metal housing to the screen door they cut to pieces. These guys ain't no joke -- they just power through stuff and worry about the consequences later! But I guess they had no choice. Everything around here is fenced in by iron bars. And as usual, the whole crew shows up to get paid.

Today is definitely one of those reset and restore days I have every so often. There's no point trying to swim against the tide. I just have to go with the flow. The "plan" is to eventually get some groceries for my friend's house (the decent women ask you for groceries, the shit ones just want the cash), and see if VIVA can fix my phone. That second one is a doozy. As I've pointed out before, most of the people that work at these phone activation places have very little idea what they are doing, and almost no incentive to help you.

Anyway, of the women I have met in the DR, this one I'm hanging out with right now has the best potential to become something of an actual romantic partner. But I'm not holding my breath. This country is all about lust, rarely if ever anything more substantive. We shall see...


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