Allergies, Insomnia... but at least it ain't D'Rona

I think I have a lingering allergy issue, or maybe even a slight sinus infection. It's been bugging me for days, and I think the chlorine from the swimming pool triggered it. I need some Loratadine and a saline solution to help clear this thing up.

Aside from that, I'm just trying to get some quality sleep. I napped twice today, once in the cabana (mirrors on the ceiling, anyone?) and again back at home. I felt refreshed afterwards but lost a chunk of the day. Not that there was really anything to do aside from talking to (negotiate with...) beautiful women. Good problem to have.

The heat (80 at night, 92 in the day) on the north coast has been suffocating and it has drained my batteries early since I've been here. I don't know how the locals can live like this, without AC in their homes. If climate change causes temperatures to continue rising, there are going to be a lot of deaths and suffering every summer in DR and other parts of the world.

I'm midway through my trip and even though there have been some disappointments, I'm happy things are going good for the most part. Hard to complain when people around the world are suffering and I'm 36 years old, lounging on an island like a retiree. Tomorrow I'm checking into the villa in Sosua. I'll probably re-up on groceries too, if I have time to go shopping.

Not much else to report on. I'm turning in early, catching up on as much sleep as possible. Peace.


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