Tropical Storm Isaias

As I write this, tropical storm Isaias reaches the island. The wind is gusty and the power went on and off a couple of times this morning. I went to La Sirena earlier and got some water and matches and candles and a little more food but being that it isn't a full on hurricane, hopefully nothing too crazy happens.

I'm day 2 chilling with an English speaking chica I'm pretty comfortable with (I have known her for a while now) so all is well in Puerto Plata from that standpoint. Not much to report on because everybody is laying lower than low. I'm not even getting many messages on WhatsApp from my various amigas. The energy around here, already kind of low due to the pandemic and subsequent economic impacts, is just about nonexistent today.

The one thing I was looking forward to was the return of the NBA. Unfortunately, I am not much of an internet pirate and have no idea how to stream the NBA games tonight. If the power goes out, so does the wifi, and it won't matter anyway and I fully anticipate that happening. I'm keeping my phone and PC charged up if I can. That's really all you can do when you're hunkering down.


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