To Orlando and Beyond

It's 7 AM on the west coast. I'm sitting in SeaTac airport, gate D9, watching as Americans half ass our way through this pandemic. The TSA isn't checking anyone's temperatures, but they will ask you to remove your mask to verify your identity. I'll be honest, that actually pissed me off. Like, we still on that Patriot Act mentality in a crowded terminal? I hope they at least have some kind of thermal camera tech installed like in the spy movies.

The ride over was quiet. The Uber driver had plexiglass but I'm still not sure what that does other than block particles from a sneeze. He kept the windows cracked, which I was down with. 

This flight is going to be interesting because American Airlines still crams their planes full, middle seats and all that. I have two masks on, plus gloves, because it's statistically likely that someone on that plane has the Roney, myself included. At the slightest tickle in my throat, I'm popping a zinc lozenge. In fact, I just did.

All you can do these days is be watchful, be proactive.


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