Rumor of a Curfew

Rumor has it that the government in the DR is drafting up a new emergency resolution. They'll institute a curfew again to keep people from gathering. Having seen how Dominicans interact, it's probably a good idea. They tend to crowd one another. Americans do too but Dominicans have turned it into an art form. They are much more familial -- I've seen women sit on their brother's lap to take a photo -- and tend to engage with the real world a little more often. For example, they don't have their heads in their phones all day like Americans.

How does a curfew affect travel? Well, it means waking up early to go to a store (the lines are already astronomical), or to get from one city to another, things like that. If someone visits, they may be staying the night. No cabanas will be open, and no late evening dining options. The economy would be negatively affected, of course, and it would damper tourism, or even eliminate it.

And I could get stuck here.

I'm not too worried about that, though. I wanted to stay here for a while anyway. I have the hometown connections in Puerto Plata so I can get a place for a good price and that's really the only expense aside from food. Depending on where you stay, you can walk to a store if you want to, so it isn't a big deal.

A few random things about DR, some useful, some just interesting/funny:

1) You need you passport to exchange money, or buy a Sim card for your phone, rent a car... basically anything even remotely related to business requires your passport.
2) Your credit card works for some things but not for, say, getting a cab ride from the airport
3) Dominican women generally don't pay for anything. Don't expect them to pick up the tab, not even for  something they went into the store to get for their own personal use. If you're around, you're probably going to be expected to pay
4) Dominicans hate a sweaty beer. They wrap napkins around the outside and even stick napkins in the bottle. They use a lot of napkins in this wasteful way!
5) The taxes on food at a restaurant will kick your butt! Don't go out and eat all the time. Buy a few fresh fruits and veggies, maybe sandwich supplies, and prepare meals in-house
6) Bottled water is as low as 10 pesos. I wonder where all these used plastic bottles go?


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