New Videos Posted This Week

It's Sunday and I haven't left my apartment. The housekeeper is here. Meanwhile, I'm trying to master this stove that has only one of two settings: hardly any heat or way too much.

The lady managing this apartment, her brother owns the place. Hes cool but she's nosey. And by the look on her face, I can tell she hates that I have the occasional visitor. Her brother speaks fluent English but she doesn't know a lick so when I try to talk to her in broken Spanish, she thinks I'm an imbecile for not understanding her. Which brings up an interesting point... not many Dominicans speak English. When you come down here from the US, don't expect a whole lot of conversation in the mother tongue.

As I suspected, I'm not going to meet with Nayeli today. I'll have to turn my attention elsewhere, which isn't too hard in this country. Throw a stone in any direction and you'll hit a beauty queen.

Almost a week into the curfew and it hasn't been too disruptive. I was at the beach in Costambar yesterday and ran into my NYC buddy from a previous trip. I would have loved to get him on film because he's entertaining as hell but unfortunately for my YouTube viewers, my charismatic friend likes to stay low profile. But the conversation was lively.

Speaking of which, I've been editing quite a bit of film and posting travel videos to YouTube. Audio (music) is always an issue because of the copyright nazis. But it's all good.

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