Maria, Maria...

It is 3:32 PM on a Monday and I'mat the beach, having a corona or two or three. I've never loved a Monday as much as I've loved this one. While the curfew isn't awful and I actually support it, being in the house on weekends at 5PM versus 7PM... huge difference! It just feels way too early being inside by five. All I can say to that is I am happy to have this extra two hours during the work week.

So, about Maria (real name). Last year I met her online. Light skin. Pretty face. Petite. Classy, artful tatoos in all the right places. My type. But we never linked because I left the country before she responded to my messages. Anyway, I stayed in touch but somewhere along the way her phone got broken and I lost contact with her.

And then I found her online a couple days ago.

So today I took her to get a new phone. Because I'm not losing her again. Not this one.

Funny story though. She shows up with an identical twin sister! I mean, I knew she had a sister, but not a body double. So they both hop in the SUV, one in the front, one in the back. And I'm like... which one is which?! We drive to the phone store and I am careful not to say too much because if I started charming the wrong sister, that could be awkward. Then, as we're walking in, I discretely look up Maria's profile online, to be sure I had the right one. So once I figured out who was who, my anxiety faded and we had a cool morning together, the three of us. Sis seems to like me so everything is copacetic.

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned today was the best day I've had in DR in the last two weeks. And I have had a couple pretty good days. But it is the start of birthday week, so things are as they should be. Yeah y'all, time to soak up some Leo season!


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