Manic Monday

As you have probably noticed, this blog is a day behind i.e. I recap the previous day. That's because I've been so busy during the days and I tend tonwrite late at night, then post the next morning. But we'll see how long that lasts.

Yesterday morning I woke up and took a dip in the Caribbean. That was freaking awesome. I would do that again tomorrow but from what I heard, all beaches will be closed for the next forty-five days. I guess we shall see...

I ate breakfast at Flip Flop's. It's where quite a few black Americans go to mingle in Sosua. It was loud and full of people. I sat as close to the entrance as possible so I could get some well needed ventilation.

I set out on a walk to the phone store to get a SIM card but I guess they are all closed on Sunday. This phone card stuff really is a pain in the butt.

I took a look at a small two bedroom apartment as well. Nothing impressive but it's so damned cheap I'll gladly take it. And it's still right next to the Malecon. Maybe I can sneak over to the water when the police aren't patrolling.

I met up with some American buddies in town and we went to Playa Grande. That was chill. I ate grilled octopus and plantains and drank some President Light. Amazing doesn't really describe how good that meal was, and the portion size was ridiculous too. I ended up eating the other half for dinner.

Today the goal is to get to the currency exchange (across the street) so I can pay for the new apartment. I also need to get a housekeeper right away because the place has no laundry and I'm running out of clothes. I still need that phone card too. I'll need to pick up groceries because restaurants are not reliable at the moment. Oh, and I also need to get my hair braided. The girl who does it has been ducking and dodging for days. But I can't say I didn't expect that. Dominican women have a reputation for being flaky, one they've earned in my opinion having dealt with quite a few at this point. Anyway, I need to do all (or at least most) of this before 7 PM when the curfew goes into affect.


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