Life in the Bubble

Yesterday was one of those Ice Cube kind of good days. My mom made eggs, grits, and toast ("breakfast with no hog") and sat it out on the stairs for me. She also hooked up the chicken wings, mashed potatoes, cabbage, and corn bread for dinner. I may gain some weight up in here!

I basically did a bunch of video editing, as was the plan. Physically, I felt great, and still do. I think the worst of that bug is behind me. Today I'm sitting outside in my Nike shorts enjoying the shade and the breeze, watching lizards run and listening to the sound of distant lawnmowers.

Somewhere in the midst of this dramatic week, I forgot that most of the NBA teams are actually here in Orlando as well to continue the season. They're calling the tournament-like arrangement a Bubble. I pray they all stay healthy as they compete for a championship. Let's go Lakers!

Like the NBA, we all have to acknowledge that this pandemic presents us with an unusual circumstance and adapt to it as best we can. There may even be some opportunities that arise from all this disruption. What did Littlefinger say on Game of Thrones? I think he said "chaos is a ladder". I was talking to my sister and it occured to me there's a new lane developing for adventure travelers and vloggers. I don't know what all it takes to become one (probably an obsession with being in front of a camera... that and a trust fund), but I bet at least some of the existing travel writers are working at Target right now. I plan to keep writing daily, even if only a little bit, and hopefully get some momentum going. I love being on the road so maybe it's a career path in the making?

I found out more than one of my lady friends in DR has COVID symptoms. One is a nurse in Santiago. She may have pneumonia. I told her to get on that zinc, tumeric, etc. Same with my other female friend who sent me a photo of all the medications she's taking. She is isolated -- even her roommate left. I feel so bad for her. I know she's not alone in being alone. Many have died with no one at their side.

Let's all take care of ourselves and one another.


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