Jet Blue DR Travel Hack

I was reading through the quarantine guidelines provided by the COVID testing center. If I'm interpreting it right (that's a definite 'IF', y'all), I should be clear to make moves again. Not that I haven't already made some moves. I mean, I flew from Seattle to Orlando in the same week that I felt mildly sick. Let's face it... I cut a corner on that one. I wore a mask and still got caught.

Masks... funny thing about 'em... it's like we're all wearing burkas now. In Trump's AmeriKKKa. I can't be the only one that notices the irony in that. Did you see Trump wearing his mask at Walter Reed? I guess he's scared those wounded veterans might give him the flu.

Anyway, I'm flying to Santo Domingo tomorrow. I paid Jet Blue way too much money for a one way, non stop ticket, but I don't feel like playing around in these airports so we're doing the quick trip. The plan is to land, get through customs, grab a rental, and head to Boca Chica. I've been wanting to go but haven't been and it's time to just do it.

I posted my 2019 DR travel compilation on YouTube ( When I watch it, I think how much the world has changed since January. No more packed clubs or maskless cab rides... yep, yet another reason to live like there is no tomorrow because every midnight another day dies, never to be repeated.

Okay, let me rewind back real quick though... did you pick up on that part about a rental? I'm actually going to rent an SUV and drive in DR. This is earth shattering. Before this pandemic made communal travel so risky, I never had any desire or intention of ever driving in DR. Ever. Dominicans can't drive for crap. I'm honestly terrified. Like, for real. It may be among the scariest things I've ever done. In life. When I show you the GoPro footage, you'll see exactly what I mean.

The homie that lives out here in Orlando is going to pick a brotha up today and I guess we're doing some last minute shopping. He's actually headed out there in a couple weeks. But anyway, on the docket for today is that little shopping excursion and a date with this here bootleg hair dye mom oicked up for a brotha. She called herself clowning the other day like "it's a blessing to see my sons with gray hair". Alright mom, you got jokes. Yeah, my gentleman grays are giving me the downright blues.

In closing... a nice hack for those of you who want to travel to DR on a one way ticket (which gives you more flexibility when it's time to return). I found this online and I am definitely going to try it tomorrow morning. What you do is buy two one way tickets (to and from DR) but you don't buy the return ticket (make sure its Jet Blue!) until just before you leave. Then when you clear DR customs, you simply cancel it. This works because Jet Blue allows a 24 hour no-penalty cancellation.

Alright, that's enough travel nerdiness for one blog post. Hasta maƱana!


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