Hot Toddy

My cousin brought me over a bunch of vitamin C, tumeric, ginger... and a premixed hot toddy concoction. That was a lifesaver. I feel magnitudes better this morning.

I'm staying at my buddy's AirBnB and he was cool enough to grab me some Tylenol and Gatorade. I haven't had to crack the meds but that Gatorade was clutch too.

I appreciate these brothas looking out for me. I was really messed up yesterday afternoon!

As of this morning, I still plan to go to DR. Whatever was going on with me yesterday seems to have dissipated. I'll obviously be monitoring my health throughout the day but I have my fingers crossed.

Today the vehicle inspector is supposed to show up to take a look at my car. Hopefully that goes well. Only other thing is I'm waiting for a package to come in the mail so I can fully test my GoPro setup. But besides that, I don't have a whole lot to worry about other than getting back to 100% by Friday morning.


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