Feeling Gross, but God is moving

I woke up not feeling 100% this AM. The next 24 hours will determine if I go to DR this week or postpone the trip.

I took my zinc this AM as I usually do. Then dropped the car off to be cleaned and got some breakfast. The restaurant was at limited capacity, everyone spaced out. The new abnormal.

By the time I got back from the bank, I felt okay and wanted to take a nap. I also took some medication just in case. However, I didn't sleep and now I'm sitting on the bathroom floor wrapped in a blanket.

Sometime in between running cold water over my head and getting over the shivers I had, I texted my mom to ask for my sister's phone number. I erased her number months ago and refused to talk to her over something completely petty. I am not proud at all about even admitting this but I'm going to just tell it like it is. I talked to her and asked her for forgiveness and we reconciled. It was good hearing her voice. I literally stared feeling better.

I'm even interested in talking to my father who I haven't talked to in many years, probably eight or nine. My sister said she'd text me his number.

In the spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation, I'd like to apologize to anyone reading this who I may have offended at some point. I'm really sorry. And on the flip side, I forgive you too. We can all start to heal now.


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