Amigos, No Confíes en Estas Mujeres

I'm about 15 minutes into my flight to Santo Domingo, seat 20F. The view over the Atlantic is beautiful, all clouds and water and tiny boats down below. I'm feeling relaxed, listening to Pop Smoke's album. RIP Pop Smoke.

I have several female "friends" in the Dominican Republic. They range from the young and money hungry to the more established types with jobs and homes. Some live in major cities, some in resort towns, some in land locked hamlets. Not all of them have the best of intentions, but their ulterior motives always come to the light. Always.

Stephanie from Sabeneta (not her real name) had a beautiful smile. And a young son, maybe 4 or 5 years old. And in time she confessed that the kid's father still lives with her. Other revelations emerged. She wanted an enotional partner, basically an internet boyfriend, but nothing more. So as I boarded the flight, I decided that she was too silly for my tastes and let her go after a month of meaningless back and forth.

I tell this little cautionary tale for those traveling to DR looking for love, lust, or anything involving women. Be advised, my friends: things are usually not as they appear. Getting too attached too soon to anyone or anything is a bad idea.

Case in point: one of my female associates in Puerto Plata is absolutely beautiful. She speaks perfect English. When ai met her for the first time in person, I thought I to myself "seld, you could marry this woman and retire from public life". Now, anyone who knows me can tell you I don't come off as a house and picket fence type of guy but this woman is one of a kind... anyway, she got comfortable one day and told me about a sugar daddy she has in Philadelphia, a married man, who once sent her to Colombia for her birthday. She claims they do not fool around. Okay, I'll play along. Why not? She was willing to reveal some super personal things, so we'll call it a trust building exercise. Personally I think she wanted me to know who she REALLY was without actually getting into the dirty details. I respect it.

Another of my female friends, also from Puerto Plata, has a twin sister who was in a four year situationship with a married attorney from the US. He allegedly told her that he and his wife were in an open relationship and therefore everything was on the up and up. Now, seemingly out of nowhere, he no longer pays his mistress' rent as he once did, his excuse being that wifey found out the two of them were "in love" and threatened to kill herself if he didn't disengage. Doesn't add up, right? That's because it's not supposed to. Everything is distorted through a looking glass of lies. Obviously there was no open relationship to begin with; American men lie to Domincan wome all the time, just as much as Domincan women do to them. But upon hearing this story, I declined to offer my observation. Doing so would have been pointless. Most people don't like you tampering with their fantasies.

Anyway, enough of the gossip. Back to my exciting travel itinerary. My plans have shifted a little. I've decided to drive straight to Santiago, two hours north of Santo Domingo, rather than camp out in Boca Chica. Santiago is a smaller, cleaner city up in a high elevation region. I like it there much better than the loud, overpopulated areas surrounding SD.

My buddy reminded me to secure some pesos for the tolls. I'll exchange a small amount of USD at the airport, just enough for a day's necessities. The airport has horrible, practically criminal exchange rates. Never, ever, ever exchange more than what you immediately need at the airport! It would be like filling up at an overpriced gas station. There are tons of small currency exchanges everywhere that have much more favorable rates. And in general, just like only carrying what you absolutely need, exchange only what you're going to spend because it's not at all easy exchanging back to US dollars.


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