A Short Detour

I told myself if I didn't wake up 100%, I was going to get tested. Yesterday I woke up feeling less than my best so I went to a drive thru testing center and took a coronavirus test. Actually I went to two sites but there were a hundred cars lined up at the first so I had to call and make an appointment at another location. For those who haven't done one of these tests, they stick a special swab up each nostril for 5 seconds at a time. It is unpleasant. Very unpleasant.

Right now with the surge in testing going on, results take 7 days. So I decided to postpone the DR leg of my trip until I get the results back. I'm still going to stay up on my vitamins, my water, and my tea all day today. Tomorrow I plan to fly to Orlando and quarantine at my mom's house, upstairs away from her and her husband. I'll be double masked and wearing gloves on the plane to protect myself and those around me.

Health-wise, I actually feel really good as of right now and I don't think I have COVID19. What had me concerned from the very beginning (Monday) was the fatigue. I also had this unusual cold feeling behind my neck; even without a thermometer I can tell my body temperature fluctuates. But I am also acutely aware of what constitutes a serious illness for me personally and this thing I've been feeling on and off is definitely not that. No, this is more like the discomfort I get when the seasons change, or when I'm exposed to new allergens. I believe in my heart of hearts I am getting better each day, overcoming whatever it is that affected me this week.

But the test still needed to be taken. The trip still needed to be postponed. Now, the problematic part if all this is that if I do have it and acquired it two weeks ago, I've since seen my brother, his girlfriend, my daughter, and others in my close inner circle. So for their sakes I am hoping this is not COVID, but if it is then I feel like a piece of shit for potentially spreading it.

I drove up from So Cal to Seattle specifically to see my kiddo on her birthday. What kind of dad brings her a virus as a present? I really do hope this is just a random, minor bug...

In other news, I need to clean and disinfect this AirBnB the best I can before leaving, including leaving the windows open and airing it out real good. That is today's chore. And I need to drop my car off at the dealership before it closes. Damn I'm gonna miss that car... just not the ridiculous monthly payments. My oldest daughter will be 15 in November and is already talking about how she wants a black Jeep Wrangler Unlimited for her 16th birthday. I cut her a deal. I told her I'll look into getting one, since I need a vehicle anyway. Then she can have it. But damn it, those wranglers are expensive!


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